Accounting and Finance (Department of) Applied Social Science (Department of) Dementia Services Development Centre Housing Policy & Practice Unit Scottish Addiction Studies Social Work Social Work Research Centre Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology Aquaculture (Institute of) Aquaculture Technology Centre Environment Group GIS Group Immunology Group Parasitology Group Reproduction and Genetics Group Stirling Aquaculture Systems Group Unit of Aquaculture Nutrition Biological and Environmental Sciences (School of) Centre for Environmental History and Policy
Computing Science and Mathematics (Department of) CCCN (Centre for Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience
Economics (Department of) SCEME (Stirling Centre for Economic Methodology) Education (Institute of) CELT (Centre for English Language Teaching) CLL (Centre for Lifelong Learning) DAICE (Division of Academic Innovation and Continuing Education) Scottish CILT (Scottish Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research English Studies (Department of) Centre of Commonwealth Studies SCOP (Stirling Centre of Poetry) Centre for Publishing Studies
Film & Media Studies (Department of) Stirling Media Research Institute
History (Department of) AHRC Research Centre for Environmental History Centre for Research in Polish History
Languages, Cultures and Religions (School of) French Spanish and Latin American Studies Religious Studies Law (School of)
Management and Organization (Department of) The Centre for Entrepreneurship Marketing (Department of) Centre for the Study of Retailing in Scotland Institute for Retail Studies Institute for Social Marketing Tourism Management
Nursing and Midwifery (Department of) Alliance for Self Care Research Occupational and Environmental Health Research Group
Philosophy Polish philosophy (Department of) Politics (Department of) CENS: Centre for European Neighbourhood Studies Psychology (Department of) Sports Studies (Department of)